Friday, November 12, 2010

The War on Terror and Foreigon Aid Costs Too Much

This article "The war on terror and foreign aid costs too much" posted by Philip Stiefer in his blog is worth reading article. His idea in this article is about united states facing bad economic problem so people cannot afford to maintain the war on terror and spending billion of dollars on foreign aid which costs too much. There is one saying " be strong on self to help other". The country itself should be economically strong to provide billion of dollar as foreign aid. United state spends billion of dollar on war. The main purpose of foreign aid is to develop its business worldwide, maintain security, fight against drugs and mantain good democracy. Government provides trillion of dollar on Iraqi aid where this money is corrupted and end up in private bank account. The government should cut on Useless foreign aid and benefits united states economy and contribute to the defense of country. Since country started spending billion of dollar on war on terror, the economy is falling down. So, I think if goverment formulate new strategy on foreign aid and war, it might improve bad economic crisis that country is facing now as Stiefer mentioned in his article.

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