Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Nowrasteh: Texas shouldn't copy Arizona's anti-immigration law

" Never dig a hole for yourself "

"Texas Rep. Debbie Riddle....... , Does her step on "Arizona-style immigration law" helps texas to built up its economy? OR drive towards rough economy?????

This article "Texas shouldn't copy Arizona's anti-immigration law" talk about the Arizona's style immigration law that might bring a big economic changes "possibly negative", since lots of big businesses are run by immigrants. Texas state Rep. Debbie Ridddle made headline recenntly for introducing an arizona-style immigration law called HB 17 that would be disastrous for texas. Riddle's bill is like a page and only deal with indentifying and removing undocumented immigrants during police stops if the the officer think they are without proper documentation. The law makes no any allowance for legal immigrants like refugees awaiting court hearing and for extention for their visa. Writer in this article is in favor of immigrants whether they are legal or illegal. A leading group on entrepreneurship research, 540 out of every 100,000 immigrants start a new business every month. Immigrants are more active in opening new businesses which is good for themselves and good for country economy. Country collect lots of tax from their businees. Besides that, they bring lots of job opportunities for unemloyed people.

I don't think it makes any sense for passing "Arizona style anti-immgration law". Texas relies heavily on state sales taxes, so even undocumented immigrants pay their "fair" share for public services. HB17 will harm business and blot texas. Country economy is getting worser and worser. Lots of people are laid off from their job. Think if there were not immigrants owned businesses how bad the economy would be? So, As the writer of this article said " Arizona-style anti-immigration laws could kill the goose that lays the golden egg", the economy will be at buttom line whereas crimes, murder, unemployment will be at top line.

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