Saturday, October 2, 2010

An ally against Mexico's terror

Is Mexico Losing it's "Free" Press?
A summary of the article "An ally against Mexico's terror," that was published in the Austin American Statesman, September 30th, 2010.

This article "An ally against Mexico's terror" written in Austin American Statesman focuses mainly on " Mexico losing its free press rights". The writer says that the US government has started the approach of journalist protection giving them political asylum against drug related violence and those that are losing free speech. The article tries to clarify this issue by giving an example of Mexican journalist Jorge Luis Aguirre who fled to EL Paso two year before after he received death threats for writing critically about state officials.

Mexicans are in constant danger from multiple fronts and journalists are mainly target for their work. Government instead of giving them security, they are threatening them because they are making good money from those drug dealers. Mexican journalist are really facing critical problems in their safety and security on their press right. They cannot trust any one whoever he/she is because even their coworkers might be cartel informants. Mexican journalist have more trust on US government than Mexican government.
"A free press is essential to an empowered citizenry, government accountability and responsible economic development" so, I think government should support on free press right.

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