Friday, September 17, 2010

Homeland Security chief rebuffs Gov. Rick Perry on U.S. border patrols

This article "Homeland Security chief rebuffs Gov. Rick Perry on U.S. border patrols" published in "The Dallas morning News" tries to explain about Govt. Perry demand on more national guard along the border. In this article Federal government secretary Jenat Napolitano says " there is no change in the border security against illegal immigration and smuggling though federal government has already spend $600 million. Besides that, we can see the debating views between Ms Nepolitano and Govt Perry about adding the national security guard. Govt Perry says that, the technology and money invested in the border is not sufficient for border security whereas, Ms Nepolitano says, if Perry want to pay more for the guard he can pay but he wants federal govt to spend which is not possible to do because federal spend $600 million in addition for the border across from california to texas.

I think this article is worth reading because it explain about border problems that are still seen, though government has spend milloins of dollars for its security. Besides that, it explain the debate between Govt Perry and Ms Nepolitano. This article makes public clear about who is more responsible for national border security.

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