Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pitts: The failure of multiculturalism

Pitts: The failure of multiculturalism

Multiculturalism has completely failed can't be abstract thought

Human beings are social beings. They need culture, tradition, help, sympathy, love etc., among eachother. The idea that people living side by side and happily with eachother can never be failed. Its fails only on those people who think multiculturalism in negative way. In this article, Angela Merkel, chancellor of Germany believe in fail of multiculturalism. Markel insisted that germany still welcome immigrants with high skills and make them valuable workers but she doesnot want to think that how much role those high skill workers plays for german development process. She says that, "much of europe is struggling to manage an influx of immigrants of Arabic origin and Islamic faith", that is german-ness and under assault. All of her thought and idea in this article sounds like antagonism.

I think the Markel is trying show his racism on muslim socity who are living in german and the writer of this article is favoring his idea. He is giving lots of example that proves muslims are lowering the nation's intelligence. Besides, some of the newspaper of england says that almost third of german think that their nation is run by foreigners. I am pretty confuse about "do they think that country by itself can develop without foreign support or help?". All the idea in this article is about anti-culturism and discrimination. Markel idea shows threaten that might be seen in United states because of musilms and hispanic society. I dont think it will be good idea to consider german idea as a source in united states. German is like only the country that cannot handle cultural diversity. The writer in this article is totally german based. He is favoring Markel idea which sounds stupid. United state is country of Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty so united states says multiculturism can't fail.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Austin's Capital Metro no longer can afford free rides

Can capital metro exist long with its financial predicament???

This article,"Austin's Capital Metro no longer can afford free rides", published in Austin American statesman explain about financial problems faced by Capital metro because of mismanagement and poor planning. This article says that UT pays half of what it cost capital metro to transport students and other around its Austin campus. Because of financial woes, agency failed to plan for and lagging sales tax revenue so, capitol metro want to revisit contract in every two year instead of every three year. UT is paying nearly half the cost for the specialized shuttle service which is reasonable plus, what students, staff and faculty pay in sales taxes, that finance Capital Metro's operating budget. Besides that there should be other fare policies that should be shown sooner because they are facing huge financial liabilities that are depleting Capital Metro's budget.If they face such financial problem for couple of more year then they might need to close capital metro.

Article says, "Capital Metro no longer can afford a fare policy that awards free rides to seniors and people with disabilities. It is not a policy based on need; all seniors and people with disabilities — no matter how wealthy — get that break". Thats true because it doesnot make any sense to reward them free ride. If they were financcially strong then they could have done that but in this critical condidtion they need to find the option that helps to raise their finance. They dont mean to be rude or against disabilities act but the condition they are facing made them to be strict.

I think poor management policies made them in such a bad financial condition. The agency would be in much better shape if they had raised bus fare when the economy was in good condition. In every business there should be future plan as well as good management system. If capitol metro have had good management team and future plan they wouldnot have faced such a bad financial condition.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

An ally against Mexico's terror

Is Mexico Losing it's "Free" Press?
A summary of the article "An ally against Mexico's terror," that was published in the Austin American Statesman, September 30th, 2010.

This article "An ally against Mexico's terror" written in Austin American Statesman focuses mainly on " Mexico losing its free press rights". The writer says that the US government has started the approach of journalist protection giving them political asylum against drug related violence and those that are losing free speech. The article tries to clarify this issue by giving an example of Mexican journalist Jorge Luis Aguirre who fled to EL Paso two year before after he received death threats for writing critically about state officials.

Mexicans are in constant danger from multiple fronts and journalists are mainly target for their work. Government instead of giving them security, they are threatening them because they are making good money from those drug dealers. Mexican journalist are really facing critical problems in their safety and security on their press right. They cannot trust any one whoever he/she is because even their coworkers might be cartel informants. Mexican journalist have more trust on US government than Mexican government.
"A free press is essential to an empowered citizenry, government accountability and responsible economic development" so, I think government should support on free press right.